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Good evening, everyone ... let's set the stage for this walkthrough of SherCo PLUS, which might take more than a few days to complete ...

It's 1950, a beautiful May evening here at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn as the Trolley Dodgers play host to the Philadelphia Phillies.  It's a match-up of two all-star caliber pitchers tonight, with the Quakers sending Robin Roberts (+M8(13-21)  CN 51 PH 55) out to the mound to face nemesis Don Newcombe (W7(13-21) CN 51 PH 55) ... here are tonight's starting lineups ...


First, for the visiting Phillies ...

PLAYER, POS      B   RATE     [BB-K]   PH  DEF
Ashburn, cf      L   B+(13)   [13-15]  53   95
Hamner, ss       R   B12(13)  [12-14]  54   95
Waitkus, 1b      L   B+(11)   [13-14]  54   85
Ennis, rf        R  #A16(23)  [13-16]  53   94
Jones, 3b        R   B16(21)  [13-15]  54   95
Sisler, lf       L   B+13(14) [14-21]  54   85
Seminick, c      R   B+22(23) [15-23]  54   94 -3
Goliat, 2b       R   C+14(16) [14-23]  55   85
Roberts, p       S   E+       [12-32]  63   95


And, for the hometown Bums ...

PLAYER, POS      B   RATE     [BB-K]   PH  DEF
Reese, ss        R   B13(14)* [15-23]  55   95
Hermanski, lf    L   B+13(14) [14-21]  54   95
Snider, cf       L  #A16(22)* [13-21]  53   95
Robinson, 2b     R   A13(14)  [15-16]  53   94
Furillo, rf      R  #B13(14)  [12-14]  53   94
Hodges, 1b       R  #B+21     [14-22]  54   95
Campanella, c    R  #B+23(24) [14-22]  54   94 -4
Cox, 3b          R   B12(13)  [13-15]  55  S95
Newcombe, p      L   C+12(14) [13-23]  55   95

We're just about ready to begin with Newcombe taking his warmup tosses ... we'll be back after this, from White Owl ... you're listening to Dodger baseball on the Mercury Network ...

Here's the notation we'll use for each and every at bat ...

Pitcher, CN/PH
Batter, PH
Dice Roll 1/Dice Roll 2
Control to:
Base result:
Dice Roll 3/Dice Roll 4
Game result from charts:
and so on ...


Here is Ebbets Field, with my standard positioning for fielders.  Both teams will use this positioning for all at-bats except where noted.  When I need to illustrate a particularly different or complex fielding play, I will map it out on another grid identical to this one and post so that you can follow along.  Note that I removed the infield graphics so that I can use the squares for counting and illustrating ...




Ladies and gentlemen ... boys and girls ... children of all ages ... it's time to ... PLAY BALL ...



Newcombe 51/55
Ashburn 53
A 66 on the pitch is a Special Event ... we'll use the "5" as the result and look at the Special Event Chart on the Bases Empty Chart
5 ... Roll one die (we'll use the 4) ... 1-2 BB, 3-4 K, 5-6 HBP ... Ashburn strikes out [OUT #1]


Newcombe 51/55
Hamner 54
Newcombe controls (16 less than or equal to 51)
36 ... Probable Out (not in BB range, K range, or greater than or equal to 55, his Probable Hit number)
12 on Probable Out, Bases Empty chart ... F 7-22, if batter is D or worse, pop up 1-11
Hamner is a B hitter, so a fly ball to 7-22 in left field (batters always pull unless otherwise noted)
7-22 is three squares from Hermanski in left on 8-19 ... as Hermanski has a range of 5 (the 5 in "95") and the ball is within five squares of him, Hamner skies to left [OUT #2]


Newcombe 51/55
Waitkus 54
Newcombe controls (51 <= 51)
54 is a Probable Out (54 < 55, and not in BB or K range)
26 on Probable Out, Bases Empty ... F 16-20 or 20-16, OM’s option. If 1 out, F 17-19 ... this one is up to you ... the ball goes to 16-20 in RCF, or 20-16, which is in LCF.  Either way, the ball is two squares from Snider in CF on 18-18.  Snider's range is 5, and since the ball is within 5 squares of Snider, he takes a couple of steps and makes the catch for [OUT #3] ... why do this if it doesn't matter?  Because if you play with the optional wind factors, or if you had shaded Snider, one of the two possible results could have dropped in for a hit.


In the inning ... no runs, no hits, no errors, none left ... Phils nothing, Dodgers coming to bat



Roberts 51/55
Reese 55
Reese controls (62 >= 51)
33 ... Probable Out ... not in Reese's [BB-K] range and less than his PH of 55
13 on PO/BE chart ... F 6-19 (if batter HR# =>22, F 8-? in play. No Wind Factor.) ... Reese's HR number is not >= to 22, so a fly ball to 6-19 in left (Reese is a RHB) ... had the HR number been 22 or more, the fly ball would have gone to 8-24, the last square in play in left field, and would not have been affected by the wind
6-19 is two squares from Sisler in left, whose range is 5 ... within range so Sisler makes the catch [OUT #1]


Roberts 51/55
Hermanski 54
Roberts controls ... but Hermanski gets a Probable Hit because 65 >= 55
64 on PH/BE chart ... G 15-16. If batter =>B or HR =>13, G 5-24 ... this would be a grounder to 15-16, but because Hermanski is a B+ (as well as a 13HR), it's a grounder to 5-24 in right (Hermanski pulls unless noted) ... here's where the fun begins, so follow along with the diagram (
CLICK HERE FOR THE DIAGRAM) ... you'll note that 5-24 is "over the wall".  But Rule 27 on GROUND BALL ricochets says that if the ball is more than one square beyond the fence, the ball has actually caromed off the wall.  Since the ball is two squares past the fence, you have to have it carom two squares back into the field of play.


Ennis normally could go straight for the ball, now in 5-21, just three squares away.  But, because of the carom, Ennis has to go to the base of the wall first at 5-22, and *then* to 5-21 ... which is five squares away.  We also continue the count to note that the ball, including the five squares Ennis must take to get there, is 18 squares from second (it is also 18 squares from first).  Since the most a fielder can get on a single "throw" is 12 ... Hermanski is rounding first and possibly heading for second.  Ennis has a 9 arm, meaning he will get a minimum of nine on each throw he makes, and can get 10, 11, or 12 if he rolls them.  Thus, Ennis is guaranteed at least a tie at second and a nod to the Umpire.


As this is a training game, we'll send Hermanski.  First, move him to first and use the 26 roll, which we COMBINE for fielding, yielding an "8".  Ennis gets an automatic 9 ... and moves the five squares and then uses his remaining four to get the ball to 5-17.  Since the ball is now less than 13 squares from second, the Phils need to make a choice:  let Ennis' next throw go into second, or cut it off.  Since the result is the same either way, the Phils let it all hang out as Hermanski moves down to second and we make another dice roll ... 43/34 ... "43" COMBINES to "7", so Ennis gets another nine, and finishes the throw to 8-8 and second base (the shortstop moves over to the bag as a "free move") where the tag is applied ... it's a tie, so we take the 34 reading and move to the Automatic Umpire chart.


You cross-reference the runner's speed with the fielder's DEF rating to find what the "34" result gets you ... Hermanski is an average runner, and Ennis is a 94 .. 34 is ... OUT!!  Ennis makes a great play off the wall, turns and fires to Hamner covering and applying the tag just in time to get Hermanski!!! [HIT and OUT #2]


Roberts 51/55
Snider 53
Roberts controls ... but it's a PO (34 < 55, but not in BB-K range)
21 on PO/BE chart is ... F 9-20. If 1 out, F-17-20. If 2 outs, F 9-18 ... with two out, Snider flies to 9-18 in right ... 9-18 is one square from Ennis, with his 4 range, in right, so Ennis moves over and makes the catch to end the inning [OUT #3]


In the inning, no runs, one hit, no errors, none left ... we've played one and we're scoreless ...



Newcombe 51/55
Ennis 53
Newcombe controls ... Probable Out
25 ... PO/BE chart ... F 15-15. If 1 out, shallow F 14-14. If 2 outs, F 16-16.  That's a fly ball to 15-15, which is three squares in front of CF Duke Snider, who has a 5 range, so he easily drifts in to make the catch [OUT #1]


Newcombe 51/55
Jones 54
Newcombe controls ... and 21 *is* within Newcombe's K range (13-21, 11-13 is a walk, 14-21 is a strikeout), so Jones fans for OUT #2


Newcombe 51/55
Sisler 54
Newcombe controls ... Probable Out
42 ... PO/BE chart ... Pop-up 3-10. If 1 out or J+, J, K, or L pitcher, G to SS.  As Newcombe is neither of those pitching grades, Sisler pops to 3-10, which is right where the first baseman, Gil Hodges, is positioned ... so Hodges need not move to make the catch to end the inning [OUT #3]


In the inning ... no runs, no hits, no errors, none left ... we head to the bottom of the second ... Phils and Dodgers are still scoreless ...



Roberts 51/55
Robinson 53
Roberts controls ... 22 just misses Roberts' K range, so this is a Probable Out
54 ... PO/BE chart ... G 6-9. If 1 out, G to 2B. If 2 outs, foul ball – Pitch again.
With no one out, this is grounder to 6-9.  The ball sits one squares from the SS and two squares from the 3B, so Hamner will take this one.  6-9 is one square from Hamner, and then a further six squares to first ... a total of seven squares.  Since Hamner is guaranteed a nine, he will make the play without referencing the dice ... this is one of the "SherCo ShortCuts" you'll learn as you play the game) [OUT#1]


Roberts 51/55
Furillo 53
Roberts controls, but 55 is greater than or equal to Robert's Probable Hit number, so Furillo has a Probable Hit ...
62 ... PH/BE chart ... G 13-21. If not in range of LF or RF, G to wall 13-?.  Love these types of results ... the ball is hit to 13-21 in left (Furillo, a RHB, pulls, as you may recall) ... if that square is not within the range of the nearest fielder, it skips through to the gap and all the way to the wall, which is 13-23.  13-21 is four squares from *both* Dick Sisler and Richie Ashburn, so you choose who will go after it.  In this case, both fielders have a range of 5 but, because I'm a Richie Ashburn fan and know he patrolled a mean CF, I have him racing over to cut the ball off as Furillo moves down to first.

Square 13-21 is 13 squares from second, 18 squares from first, and adding the four squares Ashburn must move to the ball, it's 17 squares to second, 22 from first.  Ashburn has a 9 arm, so on his first throw, he can't reach first base, so we know Furillo has a single.  But ... Ashburn is guaranteed a 9 ... which, after he moves to the ball and starts "throwing" it back to the infield, would leave him with 8 squares to reach second, which he *will* do, so Furillo will stop at first with a SINGLE.  Again, this is a quick "SherCo ShortCut" that means no additional dice rolls are needed.  With the guarantee system for most fielding plays, you can do the math in your head and save time).


A quick aside ... Why, if we tout SherCo's stop-action system, would I even suggest such things as "SherCo ShortCuts"?  Pretty simple ... you'll figure it out on your own, anyway, and for those who want to plot out every throw, simply ignore the short-cut and play the play out as per the rules.  But, for those who love to play quickly, these short-cuts, especially if we mention them in a walkthrough like this ... might have them trying SherCo because you *can* enjoy the game with or without the short-cuts we present here.


So, Furillo has singled with one out ...


Roberts 51/55
Hodges 54
35/55 ... Roberts controls but, once again, he gives up the Probable Hit ... which allows us to look at the Runner on First chart for the first time ...
41 ... PH/R@1 chart ... G 10-21. Runners may try to advance 2 bases.  Grounder to 10-21, move Furillo to second and Hodges down to first.  10-21 is two squares from Sisler in left, so he will field it.  10-21 is also 13 squares from second (in rare cases, the square on a hit will be close enough to first that you *could* get the batter out ... so we'll stop mentioning distance to first on Probable Hits unless we get an exception) ... making the total distance 15 squares.  Since Sisler can't get 15 on one throw, everyone will be safe one base.  But, because the ball would then be at least 6 squares from *both* second and third, the second throw *would* nail a runner, so both men hold and don't take advantage of advancing two bases.  So, it's runners at first and second with one out.


Roberts 51/55
Campanella 54
Roberts controls ... and Robinson almost nicks him for a third straight hit ... but gets the Probable Out.  Had Campy controlled, he would have gotten his hit with 54.
34 ... PO/R@1&2 chart ... G 6-8. No play at 3B.  OK, this could be a double play ball ... move Furillo to third (no play can be made on him), move Hodges to second, and Campanella down to first.  6-8 is two squares from Hamner at short, so he'll start this play.  It's then two further squares to second for the force play and, then another five squares to first to turn the double play.  Nine squares in total ... and Hamner will get at least a tie at first unless he rolls a 10, 11, or 12.  But wait!  Mike Goliat, the 2B, has only an 8 arm and, under the pivot rule, reduces the throw by one because his arm is weaker than Hamner's.  So, the guarantee becomes 8, and now we *need* the dice roll to be 9 or better ...

Well, the roll of "53" (the second roll we made) COMBINES to "8", so Hamner goes to second for one, but comes up one square short of the double play, so it's a fielder's choice, 6-4, and now there are two out ...


Roberts 51/55
Cox 55
Roberts controls ... Probable Out, runners at the corners ..
26 ... PO/R@1-3 chart ... G 4-7. Roll for new Wind Factor, if game is tied.  4-7 is two squares from P Robin Roberts, and three squares from both Jones at 3rd, and Hamner at short ... so Roberts is going to have to take this one.  Move Furillo to home, Campy to second, and Cox to first.  Once Roberts gets there, 4-7 is four squares from first for a total of six squares.  It's also six squares to second but, because there are two outs, he would only get to roll one die to get the runner on the move).  Since Roberts has a 9 arm, he'll get his guarantee, so no reason not to throw over to first for the final out of the inning.


In the inning ... no runs, two hits, no errors, two left ... we've played two in this walkthrough ... and we're scoreless ...



Newcombe 51/55
Seminick 54
Newcombe controls ... Probable Out
61 ... PO/BE chart ... G 5-10. If 1 out, possible error. Roll dice (Error Chart B).  A grounder to 5-10 (toward left as Seminick is an RHB), but could have been an error with one out.  5-10 is one square from Cox at third, so he has it.  5-10 is also seven squares from first, meaning the total is eight.  Cox has a nine arm, so he makes the play without effort. [OUT #1]


Newcombe 51/55
Goliat 55
Newcombe controls ... Probable Out
34 ... PO/BE chart ... F 2-20. If batter =<C, or HR# =<13, pop-up 3-4 ... lots of stuff here ... first, Goliat is a C+ and has a 14 HR number, so he doesn't pop up.  But he does hit a fly ball down the left field line to 2-20, which is five squares from Hermanski in left and he has a 5 range.  However, because 2-20 is a yellow square, it means that the ball goes into the stands.  Were we playing at Shibe Park, 2-20 is a green square, meaning it would have been in play and Hermanski would have made a tremendous running catch.  As it is, it's just a long foul ball.

Keep in mind that, if we were using the optional wind factor, that may have blown the ball onto a green square, which may have allowed Hermanski to make the play.  So, we roll again for Goliat with one strike on the board ...


Goliat controls ... and gets a Probable Hit as 64 is greater than or equal to Goliat's PH number since he, and not Newcombe, controlled the at bat
44 ... PH/BE chart ... Broken-bat G 7-18 or 18-7, OM’s option ... without the wind, and playing standard positions, it doesn't really matter where this one goes ... though I would argue for using the opposite field result (18-7) just because it's a broken-bat flare ... so we'll do that ... placing the ball on 18-7 in right field.  18-7 is one square from Snider in right, and then another 10 squares to first ... eleven in all ... and this is one where we might have a play at first.  If Snider rolls an 11, he ties the batter; 12 and Goliat is out.  Since the ball is less than 13 squares from a base, Snider has to decide ... try for the batter going to first, throw ahead of the runner into second, or have the ball cut off.  Since it's a risky proposition to get Goliat, and since the ball would have to first go to first base and *then* onto second base, Snider chooses to throw into second base ahead of the runner and hold Goliat to a single.


Newcombe 51/55
Roberts 63
Roberts controls, but it's a Probable Out (less than 63, but more than 32, Roberts' K range)
21 ... PO/R@1 chart ... F 9-22. If 1 out, F-9-21. If 2 outs, F 9-18 ... with one out, Roberts lifts a fly ball to 9-21 in right (Roberts, a switch-hitter, is batting lefty against Newk).  9-21 is two squares from Snider in right, so he drifts over to make the catch while Goliat holds at first.  Now, Goliat *could* have broken for second, but whenever that happens (tagging up), the fielder gets *two* throws ... the first while the runner tags; the second while he advances.  However, with 9-21 being 13 squares from second, sending Goliat would be suicide. [OUT #2]

Newcombe 51/55
Ashburn 53
Ashburn controls ... but 15 is within *Ashburn's* BB-K range (13-15), so, for the second time in the game, Whitey strikes out!  Hard to believe, Harry!


In the inning ... no runs, one hit, no errors, one left ... to the bottom of the third we go ... no score



Roberts 51/55
Newcombe 55
Newcombe controls ... and gets a Probable Hit!!  (62 >= 55)
41 ... PH/BE chart ... Line drive drops in: G 6 squares diagonally behind CF ... okay, another fun one ... six squares behind the CF is 24-24, and that's four squares inside the fence, so Rule 27 kicks in if you're using it, and we are.  And that's where the fun comes in.  The ricochet moves the ball back to 17-17.  Normally, the CF would be one square away.  But, we assume he tracked back to the wall, misplayed it badly, and watched the ball bound back towards the infield.  So, he needs to move two squares to the wall at 20-20, then three squares back to 17-17 for a total of five squares.  17-17 is nine squares from second for a total of 14.  Ashburn has a 9 arm and is guaranteed 18 over two throws, so the carom actually hurts Newcombe, holding him to a single.  The short porch in Brooklyn strikes ...


Roberts 51/55
Reese 55
Roberts controls ... Probable Out 
31 ... PO/R@1 chart ... F 18-21 or 21-18, OM’s option. If 2 outs, F 9-19 to RF ... again, because of where the fielders are placed, and no wind, it doesn't matter which square you choose, but I'll choose 18-21 ... which is three squares away from Ashburn, right up against the fence!  Had the wind been blowing out toward LCF, that would have been outta here!  Instead, a long fly, but not deep enough for Newcombe to try to advance [OUT #1]


Roberts 51/55
Hermanski 54
Roberts controls ... Probable Out
34 ... PO/R@1 chart ... G to 2B. If 1 out, only play is on batter ... well, wouldn't ya know ... one out, and the ball hit right to Goliat was far enough to his left that a play on Newcombe wasn't possible ... since Goliat is just three squares from first, he doesn't even need to throw as his minimum of eight gets the job done as Newcombe moves down to second. [OUT #2]


Roberts 51/55
Snider 53
Snider controls AND gets a Probable Hit ...
56 ... PH R@2 chart ... G 5-17, opposite field if no outs. If 1 or 2 outs, G 6-15 ... with two outs, this ball gets dumped into shallow right field to 6-15, which is four squares from Ennis in right, and another seven squares to first/second, 12 squares to third/home.  So, 11 total to first/second, 16 total to third/home.  With Ennis' 9 arm, you're thinking single, Newcombe to third.  Ah ... but you would be wrong, my friends!  You see, in SherCo, with two outs, the "two-out hit-and-run" is on.

The two-out hit-and-run means that any men already on base advance safely and then advance again before the throw, so that the only play that can be made on them is at the second base they move to ... so, Ennis can't get a 16 with one roll ... but he *can* try and get Snider at first to end the inning ... but decides not to ... Newcombe scores ... Dodgers lead, 1-to-nothing, on an RBI single by Duke Snider ...


Roberts 51/55
Robinson 53
Roberts controls ... Probable Out
14 ... PO/R@1 chart ... F 6-18. If 1 out, F 6-17 to LF. If 2 outs, F 4-19 to LF ... with two outs, it's a fly ball to 4-19 in left (since the result specifies a field, the way the batter hits is not considered in ball placement) ... 4-19 is four squares from Sisler in left, but with a 5 range, he tracks it down for the final out of the inning.


In the inning ... one run, two hits, no errors, one left ... a third of the way through here in Brooklyn ... Dodgers 1, Phillies 0 ...



Newcombe 51/55
Hamner 54
Hamner controls, but 43 is a Probable Out
12 ... PO/BE chart ... F 7-22. If batter =< D, pop-up 1-11 ... Hamner is a B batter, so this is a fly to 7-22 in left ... 7-22 is three squares from 5-range Hermanski in left for the out ...


Newcombe 51/55
Waitkus 54
Newcombe controls, but 46 is a Probable Out
31 ... PO/BE chart ... F 18-20 or 20-18, OM’s option. If 2 outs F 9-19 RF ... with no wind, it doesn't matter which square you choose, both are two squares from Snider on 18-18, so Duke camps under it for the out ...


Newcombe 51/55
Ennis 53
Newcombe controls, but 42 is a Probable Out
11 ... PO/BE chart ... Special Event for J+, J, K, X, Y, Z+, or Z pitcher only. * ... it's a Special Event, and since Newcombe is not any of the pitcher grades listed, he only rolls the die and consults the Special Events Chart.  We'll use the "5" from the second-roll "52" we made to speed play ... 5 ... Roll die: 1-2 = BB; 3-4 = Strikeout; 5-6 = HBP (See Injury Chart). If HBP, roll for cpu for next batter. If runner is **, ***, or ****, he safely steals 2B, unless 2 strikes on batter ... ok, we'll use the "2" from the "52" to resolve this ... and that's a base on ball Del Ennis ...


Newcombe 51/55
Jones 54
Newcombe controls, but it's a Probable Hit (65>55) for Jones!
21 ... PH/R@1 chart ... G 7-20. Runner safe at 3B if ball to RF (=<HR#, F 7-26) ... grounder to 7-20 in left ... but wait!!  Jones has a triple number of (21) ... so we get to use the triple rule ... we're ignoring the original result (it would have been a mere single), and placing the ball anywhere in fair territory we want ... after looking at the fielders (they're both 9 arms), we place the ball on 15-24 in right-center.  Snider is closest, and is six squares away.  Additionally, 15-24 is 16 squares from 2nd, 21 squares from 3rd and home ... so in total, 22 squares to second, and 27 squares to home.  Let's take a moment to talk this one out ...


This is likely a double, as Snider would need either rolls of 10+12, 12+10, 11+11, 11+12, or 12+12 to possibly get the runner.  However, Snider *will* get three throws if the runner breaks for home, and he *will* get a minimum of 9 on each throw ... so it's a guaranteed tie at the plate or at third.  Right now, since we don't have to decide anything, let's play this out ...


First throw uses the "64" from the initial roll ... that's 10 ... places the ball 12 from second, and 17 from third or home ... Snider now *will* get any triple attempt, or scoring attempt (because, even if he cuts the ball off, he'll cut it off in a square that's eight from home, guaranteeing he'll get the runner.  Because the ball is less than 13 squares from the closest base, Snider decides ... the Dodgers will cut the ball off in square 10-10 and hold the Phils to a double ... second and third with two outs!!


Newcombe 51/55
Sisler 54
Sisler controls, but 44 is a Probable Out
62 ... PO/R@2-3 chart ... G 7-9. No play on any *, **, *** or **** runner ... grounder to 7-9, one square in front of the second baseman ... it's four squares in total to the ball and then to first, so Sisler grounds out to end the inning ...


In the inning ... no runs, one hit, no errors, two left ... we go to the bottom of the fourth, it's the Dodgers 1, the Phillies 0 ...



Roberts 51/55
Furillo 53
Furillo controls, but 45 is a Probable Out
53 ... PO/BE chart ... G 4-9. If hit to 1B, credit 1B with assist (3-1). If 1 out, G 3-4 ... it's grounded to third, seven total squares from first, and Jones' 9 arm assures they'll get Furillo ...


Roberts 51/55
Hodges 54
Roberts controls, but 23 is a Probable Out (21 is Roberts' K rating)
33 ... PO/BE chart ... F 8-17 RF. If 2 outs, F 3-21 or 21-3, OM’s option ... since the ball is going to RF because it says that in the play description, the ball is going to 8-17 in right, which is two squares from Del Ennis, whose 4 range allows him to drift over and make the grab ...


Roberts 51/55
Campanella 54
Roberts controls, but it's a Probable Hit on a 61
41 ... PH/BE chart ... Line drive drops in: G 6 squares diagonally behind CF ... we've seen this one before ... Ashburn, even after tracking the ball down, will get Campy if he tries for two, so Campy pulls up with a single ...


Roberts 51/55
Cox 55
Roberts controls, and because 14 is within his K range (13-21 ... 11-13 are BB, 14-21 are K) ... Cox strikes out to end the inning ...

In the inning ... no runs, one hit, no errors, one left ... four frames in the books ... Dodgers 1, Phils 0 ...



Newcombe 51/55
Seminick 54
Newcombe controls, and 12 is within his BB range, so Seminick walks


Newcombe 51/55
Goliat 55
Dodgers will play in for the bunt 
Goliat will call for the count pick-up
66 on the count-pick up is a 0-0 count and a roll of one die (1 from the "13") ... and Goliat is hit by the pitch!


Newcombe 51/55
Roberts 63
Dodgers playing for the bunt
Roberts calling for the count pick-up
13 is a 1-1 count, so Roberts bunts with the 12 ...
12 ... bunt chart ... G 4-5 or 5-4, OM’s option ... bunt is two squares from the pitcher, who has a choice ... he can go for an advancing runner, but can only roll one die ... he'd need a 5-6 to force at least a call from the umpire if he goes for Seminick ... and a 6 to force a tie to get Goliat ... or, he can take his minimum (reduced by 1) of eight and get Roberts (he needs six in total to get Roberts) ... given that it's the fifth inning, Newcombe wisely goes to first to get Roberts while Seminick moves to third and Goliat moves to second ...


Newcombe 51/55
Ashburn 53
Dodgers will play the infield in
Ashburn controls, but 46 is a Probable Out
44 ... PO/R@2-3 chart ... Towering pop-up 1-9. If 2 outs, pop-up 2-10. Roll die to see if fielder making play drops ball for error: 1=error; 2-6=out ... so, a pop-up two squares from Hodges ... it's within his range, and the "2" from "24" means the out is made ... two down ...


Newcombe 51/55
Hamner 54
Newcombe controls and 15 is within his K range, so Hamner strikes out!


In the inning, no runs, no hits, no errors, two left ... still 1-0, Brooklyn ...



Roberts 51/55
Newcombe 55
Roberts controls, but 11 is in his BB range, so Newcombe is on ...


Roberts 51/55
Reese 55
Reese controls, and 14 is in *his* BB range (15-23), so back-to-back walks to start the fifth ...


Roberts 51/55
Hermanski 54
Roberts controls, but it's a Probable Hit (61>55)
36 ... PH/R@1-2 chart ... G 7-23. If Astroturf. Otherwise, G 7-17 ... AstroTurf?  What's that?  Well, it's a grounder to 17-17, right in front of Ashburn in center, ten squares to second, 15 to home ... since no one can score in either case, Ashburn *will* throw into second, hoping to get Hermanski, but his roll of 6 (15 = 6) comes up one square short, but close enough to the infield that everyone move up one base ... bases loaded, no one out ...


Roberts 51/55
Snider 53
Roberts controls, but it's a Probable Out
55 ... PO/BL chart ... F held up 3 squares behind CF. No Wind Factor ... the ball has been hit to 21-21 ... which is three squares behind Ashburn ... going back ... back ... GONE!!!  GRAND SLAM FOR DUKE SNIDER AND THE DODGERS LEAD ... FIVE TO NOTHING!!!

Eddie Sawyer will come out of the dugout ... and he's motioning to the bullpen ... that's all for Roberts ...


We'll take a break in the action with the score, Brooklyn 5, Phillies 0 ...

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SherCo GRAND SLAM Baseball Game Copyright 1968-2021 by Steven V. LeShay, All Rights Reserved.
SherCo GRAND SLAM Baseball Game is published under license by Hot Stove Games and is sold under license by ASG Games. 

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